Assess And Reset Cloud For Success

Moving to cloud is essential in today’s scenario as it allows the agility required to compete and stay ahead in the world of disruption. Cloud transformation helps businesses in accelerating the time to market for new products and services while reducing the costs to design and deploy these products and […]

Successful Digital Transformation Depends on Application and Data Modernization

For companies today, the cloud’s benefits of agility and speed can help create new revenue-generating products and services. Cloud can also help simplify IT environments and facilitate new approaches to managing IT. But long term and more impactful benefits to the business only happen when transformations become successful. Application Modernization […]

Rainforest Connection

Protecting Rainforests With AI and Big Data  Learn how: To protect our rainforests and environment, Rainforest Connection is working with Hitachi Vantara data scientists to create an AI-based model that predicts logging events before they actually happen.  peaker: Bourhan Yassin, COO, Rainforest Connection [email-download download_id=”11932″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Sestra’s TapWise, Providing Dispensing-as-a-Service at the Edge

Learn how Sestra Systems’ solutions extend traditional IoT use cases to provide real-time performance and touchless self-service, even in environments without access to cloud. Speaker: Ben Maphis, Vice President of Engineering, Sestra [email-download download_id=”11923″ contact_form_id=”190″]

American Heart Association

Data and the Pandemic: Advancing Health Equity Through COVID-19 Data Analysis  During this session, learn how the American Heart Association teamed up with Hitachi Vantara and blockchain experts BurstIQ to provide researchers with a co-developed Precision Medicine Platform. [email-download download_id=”11913″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Success Story: Legal Aid of Arkansas

One of the most challenging aspects of legal aid work is to increase the impact of limited funds to provide help to as many people as possible. And for the Legal Aid of Arkansas, operational costs – which include both telephony and technology services – comprise almost 20% of its […]

A Seamless Experience For Voice, Video And Messaging

GoToConnect is a true unified solution that provides everything your business needs to communicate from anywhere including phone, meetings, chat, and contact center functionality in one single, intuitive application. [email-download download_id=”11893″ contact_form_id=”11882″]

Connect Your Law Firm To The Future

After the COVID-19 pandemic fades into history, one certainty will remain: A lot more work will be done remotely with no loss of productivity. Indeed, enabling remote work will help you retain your best people. Why invest time, budget and energy in a phone system you’ll have to upgrade or […]

Die 4 Faktoren der neuen Rendite- Gleichung: Moderne Gerätestrategie für hybrides Arbeiten

Da hybrides Arbeiten in immer mehr Arbeitsumgebungen Einzug hält, hat sich der ROI durch Investitionen in Arbeitsplatztechnologien verändert. Beschäftigte benötigen Arbeitsgeräte, die sie in die Lage versetzen, sich zu vernetzen, zusammenzuarbeiten und produktiv zu bleiben – unabhängig davon, wo sie am besten arbeiten. Die IT wünscht sich langfristige Lösungen, die […]

Entwicklung eines sicheren und produktiven Hybrid- Arbeitsplatzes

Da Branchen auf der ganzen Welt auf hybrides Arbeiten umstellen, werden viele Unternehmen auf die schnelle digitalisiert – ob sie dafür bereit sind oder nicht. Da überrascht es nicht, dass Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft und Technologie zusammenkommen, um sichere und langfristige Technologielösungen für hybride Arbeitsplätze zu entwickeln. Führungskräfte aus der Wirtschaft […]