A Checklist Comparison

When to use Aqua Trivy vs Aqua Enterprise Aqua Trivy is an open source vulnerability scanner that is widely used as a default scanner across organizations and projects. It is a great way to get started with cloud native security. In this guide, you will find a checklist to help […]

Anatomy of Cloud Native Attacks

Anatomy of Cloud Native Attacks and How To Stop Them  In this webinar, Aqua Field CTO, Tsvi Korren, breaks down the anatomy of a cloud-native attack, layer by layer. Starting from the perspective of an attacker looking to gain access to your environment and exploit a workload, Tsvi provides a […]

Blast Radius Report

In this research, we analyzed real victims’ potential total impact from threat actors, by identifying hosts that have been targeted by real attacks in the wild and then analyzing their external-facing vulnerabilities. This approach allowed us to determine the blast radius, or total potential impact, of these real-world attacks. Our […]

The Cloud Native Security Checklist

Threat actors are infiltrating the software supply chain and attacks on the cloud-native stack are increasingly more proficient. These newer, more sophisticated attack methods that malicious actors are using to infiltrate the software supply chain are impacting cloud-native security practices, and with this, there is a re-prioritization to incorporate stronger […]

Pulse Survey: Adopting Digital Acceleration

In this survey report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, learn how leading executives feel about the short- and long-term benefits of digital acceleration, aligning stakeholders to create a culture that supports digital acceleration, and using new technologies to improve productivity. [email-download download_id=”12048″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Scaling Up Your Business: The Essentials

In this Ebook, we collected a lot of detailed information about the Scaling Up methodology that the founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and Co-Founder of Growth Institute, Verne Harnish, developed: The 4 Decisions You Need to Make to Scale Up 10 Essential Tips to Scale Up Your Company […]

Simple, Seamless And Scalable Global Payments And Card Issuance


A Vision for a Future of Frictionless Commerce The future of frictionless commerce is here. How can we remove friction and complexities from global commerce that hold progress back? Learn in this whitepaper why our experts believe Simple, Seamless, and Scalable are the pillars of a successful future of payments. […]

Key considerations for multicluster life-cycle management

As OpenShift® and other Kubernetes environments grow, they become more error prone and more difficult and time consuming to manage. In this infographic, explore 3 ways Red Hat® Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes can help with multicluster life-cycle management, including detailed benefits and screenshots of how to create, manage, and […]

Why choose Red Hat for Kubernetes?

Keeping up in the modern business environment means building new applications and restructuring traditional apps to become cloud-native—all while meeting the current stream of demand. It’s an environment that requires agility and the strategic use of containers, Kubernetes, and cloud technology.  Watch this video to learn about Red Hat’s approach […]