Lessons Learned: An IT Pro’s Experience Building His Last Line of Defense This is the true story of an IT Manager who was tired of his users clicking everything and wanted to teach them a lesson… in a good way. Join us as we talk with Tory Dombrowski, IT Manager […]
2020 Phishing By Industry Benchmarking Webinar (Updated Oct 2020)
Humans are the de-facto top choice for cybercriminals seeking to gain access into an organization. Security Awareness and frequent simulated social engineering testing is a proven method to dramatically slash your organization’s phish prone percentage. Effectively managing this problem required ongoing due diligence, but it can be done and it […]
Cyark Discovers Extreme Power in HP Z8 For Digital Archiving
The world continues to remain in danger of losing its cultural heritage due to natural as well as manmade factors. CyArk works to preserve digital replicas of these structures, with an intent to preserve and educate society. The nonprofit organization aims to permanently record these significant historical monuments by creating […]
How The Right Tech Creates Better AI Experiences
Experts call data “the new oil”—and businesses who can utilize AI to process data quickly and efficiently will reap the greatest rewards. But the ongoing explosion in the quantity of data is exceeding the capacity and performance of most computers, especially in an increasingly remote-work world. AI Podcast host Noah […]
Hybrid Work Solutions for Your Technical and Creative Pros
Now, in the new hyrbid work, the tools and skills gained in 2020 are evolving and being fine-tuned. IT decisionmakers (ITDMs) in industries such as manufacturing, architecture, media and entertainment support users who face distinct performance challenges when working and collaborating across varying locations. If users aren’t equipped with the […]
Monitoring the Surface of the Sun with NASA’S Solar Dynamics Observatory, Z BY HP, and NVIDIA
At NASA, data is everything. From object detection to mission enablement, data collection and rapid insight are paramount to mission success. And the challenge with analyzing the data is not just due to its size, but its type. The data is quite literally out of this world, including images of […]
Elevating Learning and Development Into Your Strategic Processes
Employees are a company’s number one asset. But retaining employees is becoming increasingly challenging, thanks to escalated turnover and hiring competition. So how can you show employees that you’re invested in their careers while also driving the results you need for your business? Nurturing an employee’s engagement and experience through […]
2020 Buyer’s Guide to AP Automation
Make 2020 the year your accounts payable process becomes truly automated. Follow the guidelines illustrated below to see the six critical steps you need to follow to set the stage for a successful AP automation project this year.[email-download download_id=”9225″ contact_form_id=”190″]
A Buyer’s Guide to AP Invoice Automation Solutions
6 Steps to building an AP automation business case to help secure your cash flow and enable a remote workforce Organizations around the world are grappling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and an uncertain economy, and are facing unprecedented challenges managing their business and keeping the company running […]
The Secure Enterprise Starts with Zero
Digital transformation can only help your business achieve its strategic goals—sustainable competitive advantage, market leadership, new business models, revenue opportunities, and more—if you have a secure foundation. Yet, the technologies that make transformation possible —cloud, mobility, SaaS, Internet of Things (IoT), and others— can also significantly increase the risk of […]