Cynet for MSSPs: Managed Security-As-A- Service at Scale

PROVIDE MANAGED SECURITY SERVICES AT SCALE Complete breach protection service with a single, multitenant platform that converges critical endpoint, user, and network security functionalities that otherwise would require multiple products to deliver. [email-download download_id=”2165″ contact_form_id=”2144″]

How Innovation Leaders Work

Companies that are actively letting their customer needs drive innovation have had more success in handling the disruptions of 2020. Harvard Business Review Analytic Services Report: Delivering Customer-Focused Innovation provides exclusive insights to help innovative leaders meet end-user expectations. Discover how an ideas-driven culture, agile processes, and democratizing innovation can […]

Investa Adds Micro-Segmentation to Security Portfolio

Find out how segmentation from Illumio helps one of Australia’s largest commercial real estate firms protect critical business applications, drive alignment on security, and enable secure cloud adoption. As one of Australia’s largest commercial real estate companies, Investa has a powerhouse portfolio worth over $11 billion, with steady growth predicted […]

Migrate and Modernize to Accelerate Innovation

Get the speed and agility you need to delight existing customers, win new clients, and thrive in today’s hyper- competitive business world. By migrating to the cloud and modernizing your infrastructure with AWS, you can accelerate innovation and drive sustainable transformation. AWS provides software, services, support, and prescriptive guidance for […]

Reducing Costs in Service Centers

A contact center outfitted with the right technology across diverse channels, including telephone, messaging apps, and social media,can support resolving customer issues quickly, tracking engagements, and capturing data. But, while many companies are interested in applying advanced technology to improve customer interactions, they struggle with how to drive efficiencies and […]

Fünf Erfolgsgeschichten einer besseren Servicequalität für Kunden dank Cloudmigration

Der aktuelle Anstieg im digitalen Bereich hat gezeigt, dass Servicequalität für Kunden ein entscheidender Faktor ist, der für Unternehmen über Erfolg und Misserfolg entscheidet. Laut Gartner konnten 75 Prozent der Unternehmen zeigen, dass Kundenzufriedenheit durch erhöhte Kundenbindung und gesteigerten Customer Lifetime Value zu Umsatzzuwachs führt. ¹Lesen Sie dieses E-Book, um […]

Security Awareness Training As A Key Element

The goal of your corporate security infrastructure is to protect corporate data, access to on-premises and cloud-based systems, sensitive information like login credentials and customer data, and even physical assets. Most organizations approach this byThe goal of your corporate security infrastructure is to protect corporate data, access to on-premises and […]

Build or Buy Guide

The main goal of Business Monitoring is to detect business incidents with an enterprise-wide self-service solution. As companies realize the benefits they can achieve from Business Monitoring, they are immediately faced with the question: to build our own system — or to buy one? We outline the benefits and drawbacks […]

HPE Leverages Elastic Data Analytics Solution

Technology leader Hewlett Packard Enterprise needed an agile data analytics architecture to support an enterprise data lake and as-a- service analytics platform. Using the HPE Elastic Platform for Analytics and HPE Ezmeral Container Platform to deliver analytics as a service, HPE IT empowers global business users to spin up customized […]

How to Increase Employee Productivity and Engagement

Join us to learn how to: Drive employee engagement with a central hub for company announcements, apps, support, and more Enhance productivity with intelligent and intuitive employee service Easily configure a tailored, mobile-friendly experience for every employee [email-download download_id=”522″ contact_form_id=”190″]