Rapport sur l’état des lieux de la gestion des données

Ce rapport traite d’un sujet qui suscite un intérêt grandissant chez les leaders informatiques qui cherchent à mieux exploiter leurs données afin de faire face aux contraintes budgétaires et aux limitations des ressources : le modèle DMaaS ou Data Management as a Service. Une solution DMaaS propose les fonctionnalités suivantes […]

Votre stratégie de récupération des données est-elle prédictible ?

Que vous ayez été victime d’une attaque par ransomware ou d’un accident interne (erreur malveillante ou humaine), suite à un sinistre, il est primordial de récupérer rapidement d’une perte de données. La question est la suivante : si vous subissiez un sinistre aujourd’hui, pourriez-vous récupérer comme prévu vos données de […]

A powerful advantage for companies who rely on distributors

Today, 53% of all orders from distributors to product companies arrive by paper, fax, email, or phone. I once ran a manufacturing company that relied on distributors, and I know that the potential for mistakes, lost orders, and unhappy customers inherent in that statistic is staggering. But pain is fertile […]

a transformative next step for compnies who rely on distributors

Today, 53% of all orders from distributors to product companies arrive by paper, fax, email, or phone. I once ran a manufacturing company that relied on distributors, and I know that the potential for mistakes, lost orders, and unhappy customers inherent in that statistic is staggering. But pain is fertile […]

The Bad Bot Report 2020: Bots Strike Back

Bad bots interact with applications in the same way a legitimate user would, making them harder to detect and prevent. They enable high-speed abuse, misuse, and attacks on websites, mobile apps, and APIs. They allow bot operators, attackers, unsavory competitors, and fraudsters to perform a wide array of malicious activities. […]

Forrester New Wave Bot Management Q1 2020

13 Bot Providers That Matter Most And How They Stack Up Imperva has been named a leader for the second time in the Forrester New Wave for Bot Management. Leading the pack with a robust management UI, Forrester states that Imperva is the best fit for firms to integrate within […]

DDoS in the time of COVID- 19

COVID-19 has caused major disruption to business on a global scale creating the perfect storm for cyber criminals. Organizations around the world have been forced to pivot and adapt to a new way of working in order to remain operational while millions of people have made the switch to remote […]

2019 Global DDoS Threat Landscape Report

While 2019 saw the largest network and application layer attacks ever recorded, attacks were overall smaller, shorter, and more persistent. In this report, security experts from Imperva Research Labs analyze DDoS attack sizes, duration, and persistence as well as: The most attacked industry segments, like the computing and Internet sectors […]

2020 Cyberthreat Defense Report

Enterprises today are challenged with securing data and applications as they are migrating to the cloud. At the same time, attacks are increasing, IT is understaffed and they are looking for the tools and solutions to help them enable the business. In this report of survey results, 1200 security IT […]

A Compelling Case for Enterprises

In this IDC report, principle analyst, Ghassan Abdo highlights how moving from a legacy WAN environment to a software-defined architecture can present deployment challenges for enterprises that are considering a DIY approach. Besides de-risking SD-WAN deployment, a managed service provider can bring commercial benefits including a cloud consumption model, integration […]