Achieving Zero Trust with Illumio

Enterprises struggling with increasingly complex infrastructure are turning to Zero Trust as a common security model for controlling and ensuring consistent security across environments. This paper lays out how Illumio Core™ maps to a Zero Trust framework. The growing complexity of cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid compute, combined with a rapidly […]

The Post-Pandemic Recovery: A Q1 2021 Market Retrospective

The world seems like it’s ready to turn a corner after over a year of decision-making dictated by COVID – but many are still suffering through the wrenching impacts of the pandemic virus. Read this report for insights into how industry-leading companies in impacted sectors, like banks, REIT, software, and […]

Four Ways to Approach Global Market Impacting Events

The pandemic impacted markets, companies, people, countries, and sectors on a global scale, and threw everything into disarray. Learn the four strategies leading corporations and financial institutions leveraged to make sense of a never-before-seen market dip, and succeed amidst the crisis. [email-download download_id=”1582″ contact_form_id=”1589″]

The Implications Of Using Legacy Testing Tools

It can be tough for QA teams to secure a decent slice of the IT budget, where rapidly increasing expectations are often checked by flat or shrinking funding. But significant changes to software development practices, user demands and failure risks require an updated approach to QA. Now, virtually every company […]

The Complete Guide To Understanding Agile Testing Methodologies

Do You Know Which Agile Method Is Right For Your Organization? To survive and thrive in today’s Agile testing world, it’s critical to have a comprehensive understanding of the different methodologies that fall under the agile development and testing umbrella. That’s not an easy job. Agile is constantly evolving, and […]

Migrate and Modernize to Accelerate Innovation

Get the speed and agility you need to delight existing customers, win new clients, and thrive in today’s hyper- competitive business world. By migrating to the cloud and modernizing your infrastructure with AWS, you can accelerate innovation and drive sustainable transformation. AWS provides software, services, support, and prescriptive guidance for […]

Amazon Connect TEI

Few things are more complex—or expensive—than running a contact center. A new study by Forrester Research discovered that moving to Amazon Connect from a legacy cloud contact center providers can offer significant cost savings. Based on Forrester’s analysis of six customers who made the switch, The Total Economic Impact of […]

Fünf Erfolgsgeschichten einer besseren Servicequalität für Kunden dank Cloudmigration

Der aktuelle Anstieg im digitalen Bereich hat gezeigt, dass Servicequalität für Kunden ein entscheidender Faktor ist, der für Unternehmen über Erfolg und Misserfolg entscheidet. Laut Gartner konnten 75 Prozent der Unternehmen zeigen, dass Kundenzufriedenheit durch erhöhte Kundenbindung und gesteigerten Customer Lifetime Value zu Umsatzzuwachs führt. ¹Lesen Sie dieses E-Book, um […]

Vier Unternehmen, die ihre Windows Server- und SQL Server-Workloads

Lesen Sie die Erfolgsgeschichten von Unternehmen, die ihre Workloadleistung steigern und ihre Kosten senken konnten, indem sie Windows Server und SQL Server zu Azure migriert haben. Laden Sie dieses E-Book herunter, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie Allscripts, die Carlsberg Group, Epos Now und TraXall France die Migration zur Cloud […]

Migrieren von SQL Server und Windows Server zu Azure

Wenn Sie produktivere Unterhaltungen führen und die Finanzabteilung von einer Cloudmigration überzeugen möchten, können Sie mithilfe dieses Finanzressourcenkits die geschäftlichen und finanziellen Vorteile darlegen, die eine Verschiebung Ihrer lokalen IT-Infrastruktur in die Cloud mit sich bringen würde. [email-download download_id=”1250″ contact_form_id=”1253″]