Making an impact with Cloud Data Management

As consumers and customers, we are accustomed to easy, intuitive, and superfast transactions driven by data. Therefore, businesses have the various challenges of managing and mining the data they produce and use, but also ensuring that their digital experience is 100% reliable for their customers — so the chain of […]

Economic Impact: Veeam Cloud Data Management

The data replication and protection market remains highly dynamic and robust with IDC currently tracking 39 different companies competing for their part of the $8.9 billion market. Products range from highly specialized point solutions intended for a single purpose to broad-based solutions addressing a number of use cases and implementation […]

The Biggest IT challenge in 2020 is coming from the board room

Three out of four organizations have a “reality gap” between what business leaders expect from IT and what IT is geared to deliver. This session will examine the industry trends that are causing the gap, how those expectations are driving 2020 challenges and strategy, and give some ideas on how […]

2021 Modern Backup Buyers’ Guide

Checklist for your Cloud Data Management project. This Forrester guide provides directions into what capabilities to look for and offers questions that IT decision makers should ask themselves and their team as they evaluate their company’s specific data needs.[email-download download_id=”10879″ contact_form_id=”190″]

The Video Experience Playbook: Take Your Video Strategy to the Next Level

Discover everything you need to scale and version video for the entire customer journey. This playbook provides helpful guidance on how you can develop and deliver a highly effective video strategy at scale —all without breaking your budget or hiring a dedicated team.   [email-download download_id=”10870″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Embrace Video Now To Enhance Your Customer Experience [On-Demand Webinar]

The race for superior digital experiences has yet to be won, and the businesses that prioritize video now will propel themselves forward for the future. Guest speaker and Forrester Senior Analyst Nick Barber dispels the myths about video and shares why you need to embrace video now for customer experience […]

5 façons de répondre à la demande des clients avec Veeam

Sur le marché ultra-concurrentiel actuel, les clients recherchent le fournisseur qui leur donnera le sentiment que leurs données sont parfaitement protégées, tout en leur facilitant le quotidien. Téléchargez cet e-book et découvrez comment Veeam peut vous aider à créer et stimuler la demande pour vos clients. Vous découvrirez également : […]