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Migrate to the Secure AWS Cloud
Looking for a way to secure your data in the cloud? A provider who demonstrates these six benefits can help you transform the way you operate, freeing up resources to focus on your core business, all while making your organization more secure. Read the eBook Migrate with Confidence to a […]
Migrate and Modernize to Accelerate Innovation
Get the speed and agility you need to delight existing customers, win new clients, and thrive in today’s hyper- competitive business world. By migrating to the cloud and modernizing your infrastructure with AWS, you can accelerate innovation and drive sustainable transformation. AWS provides software, services, support, and prescriptive guidance for […]
Reducing Costs in Service Centers
A contact center outfitted with the right technology across diverse channels, including telephone, messaging apps, and social media,can support resolving customer issues quickly, tracking engagements, and capturing data. But, while many companies are interested in applying advanced technology to improve customer interactions, they struggle with how to drive efficiencies and […]
Amazon Connect TEI
Few things are more complex—or expensive—than running a contact center. A new study by Forrester Research discovered that moving to Amazon Connect from a legacy cloud contact center providers can offer significant cost savings. Based on Forrester’s analysis of six customers who made the switch, The Total Economic Impact of […]
7 Leading Machine Learning Use Cases
Machine learning has moved beyond the hype to become a meaningful driver of value for many organizations. Over half of businesses that have deployed machine learning-powered artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives say the technology has increased productivity.1 While it’s clear that machine learning is an essential part of business transformation, many […]
7 Reasons Why Your Enterprise Needs Intelligent Search
Organizations are hungry to use data to grow and improve performance, but enterprises are struggling with search today. Knowledge is key to business insights, and there are hard costs and risks associated with time spent searching for information or faulty decisions made based on inaccurate information. Read this eBook to […]
Machine Learning Playbook for Business Success
Machine learning is quickly becoming a fundamental building block of business operations, providing real impact such as improved processes, increased efficiency, and accelerated innovation. For enterprise leaders, the need to embrace machine learning capabilities is immediate. As enterprises accrue data from numerous sources—ranging from customer feedback and sales logs to […]
Fünf Erfolgsgeschichten einer besseren Servicequalität für Kunden dank Cloudmigration
Der aktuelle Anstieg im digitalen Bereich hat gezeigt, dass Servicequalität für Kunden ein entscheidender Faktor ist, der für Unternehmen über Erfolg und Misserfolg entscheidet. Laut Gartner konnten 75 Prozent der Unternehmen zeigen, dass Kundenzufriedenheit durch erhöhte Kundenbindung und gesteigerten Customer Lifetime Value zu Umsatzzuwachs führt. ¹Lesen Sie dieses E-Book, um […]
Migrieren von SQL Server und Windows Server zu Azure
Wenn Sie produktivere Unterhaltungen führen und die Finanzabteilung von einer Cloudmigration überzeugen möchten, können Sie mithilfe dieses Finanzressourcenkits die geschäftlichen und finanziellen Vorteile darlegen, die eine Verschiebung Ihrer lokalen IT-Infrastruktur in die Cloud mit sich bringen würde. [email-download download_id=”1250″ contact_form_id=”1253″]