Give your employees the freedom to connect and do their best work from anywhere. Discover how your business can use Microsoft 365 to: Empower your team to make progress on their goals by taking a more human approach to remote work Keep work from falling through the cracks and eliminate […]
Consolidate Apps to Reduce Costs: Check Your Readiness with Our Self-Assessment
According to Forrester Consulting, 88% of employees feel “having all of our solutions in one place saves time.” It’s true: each employee saved about an hour per week just by having all their apps in one place.1 Are you ready to conquer the chaos of multiple apps from multiple vendors? […]
Get the report: The State of Remote Work
With input from global small- and mid-size businesses with 25 to 500 employees, this report is a must-read for: Business decision-makers curious about what’s happening with remote work globally. Managers looking for research to support a move to some combination of remote work and in-person work. [email-download download_id=”7300″ contact_form_id=”204″]
Blocca gli attacchi nell’intera azienda
I centri operativi di sicurezza che gestiscono più soluzioni di sicurezza sovrapposte possono avere difficoltà a ottenere una visione completa dei segnali di sicurezza che interessano l’azienda. Con un approccio patchwork alla sicurezza, il SOC può garantire aree di protezione, senza però offrire una visione a livello aziendale dell’intera catena […]
Tenere il passo con uno scenario di sicurezza informatica in continua evoluzione
I CISO devono affrontare nuove realtà lavorative. L’improvviso cambiamento che ha costretto l’intera forza lavoro a organizzarsi in remoto ha aumentato la posta in gioco. Le aziende guardano avanti per valutare il modo in cui operano i loro team e come proteggono i dipendenti e le risorse. È quindi fondamentale […]
Stop attacks across your entire organization
Security operations centers managing multiple overlapping security solutions can struggle to get a complete view of security signals spanning the enterprise. With a patchwork approach to security, your SOC may achieve pockets of protection, but can lack an enterprise-wide view of the entire kill chain. CISOs looking to improve the […]
Keeping up with a changing cybersecurity landscape
CISOs must deal with the new realities of work. The sudden shift to enable entire workforces to work remotely has raised the stakes. Organizations are looking ahead at how their teams operate and how they protect employees and assets. It’s critical, therefore, to stay current on emerging threats and, most […]
Stoppa angrepp i hela organisationen
Säkerhetsavdelningar som hanterar flera överlappande säkerhetslösningar kanske inte får en helhetsbild över företagets alla säkerhetssignaler. Med ett fragmenterat säkerhetssystem har säkerhetschefen kontroll över vissa säkerhetsaspekter, men inte en komplett bild av hela attackkedjan. Informationssäkerhetschefer som vill förbättra och effektivisera säkerhetsarbetet behöver en integrerad och komplett lösning som skyddar mot hot. […]
Hålla jämna steg med cybersäkerhet i förändring
CISO:er måste ta itu med den nya verkligheten. Den plötsliga förändringen med att hela arbetsstyrkor nu kan arbeta på distans har höjt insatserna. Organisationerna blickar framåt mot hur deras team jobbar och hur man ska skydda medarbetare och tillgångar. Det är därför viktigt att hålla sig ajour med framväxande hot […]
Verhindern Sie Angriffe auf Ihr gesamtes Unternehmen
Security-Operations-Teams, die mehrere überlappende Sicherheitslösungen verwalten, haben oft Schwierigkeiten, sich einen vollständigen Überblick über die Sicherheitssignale des Unternehmens zu verschaffen.Mit einem Patchwork-Ansatz beim Thema Sicherheit kann Ihr SOC zwar in bestimmten Bereichen für einen zuverlässigen Schutz sorgen, aber es fehlt eine unternehmensweite Sicht auf die gesamte Kill Chain. CISOs, die […]