The Secret to Business Longevity

We’ve all heard the statement that more than half of new businesses fail during the first year. And yet, be it because of the belief in a product, or service, or ourselves, every year more and more entrepreneurs enter into the uncharted waters of starting a new business. The good […]

The Total Cost of Mobility (Consumer v Rugged)

Enterprises are increasingly turning to mobile technology to help drive the next level of productivity, efficiency, and service in their organizations. Yet, as these same companies rush to embrace mobility for critical line-of-business applications, they increasingly run the risk of sabotaging their own efforts. By selecting the wrong mobile technology […]

The Dark Market – A New Economy | Rackspace Technology

Learn all about the growing and increasingly sophisticated underground cybermarket and how you can protect yourself. As remote work proliferated around the world in 2020, new opportunities for underground cybermarkets were created at a time when the tools and communication vehicles for cybercriminals are as innovative, inexpensive and readily available […]

HiMed Case Study

HiMed Solutions SAS provides an easy-to-use, secure and agile online medical records system that reduces administrative work for doctors and administrators, allowing them to dedicate more time to caring for their patients. As more and more healthcare providers saw the value in online clinical information management, HiMed saw 50% year-over-year […]

E-book: Build or buy a SOC? | Rackspace Technology

Understand what you need for a successful Security Operations Center (SOC) before deciding whether to build it or buy it. Security remains a priority for organizations with the cost of cyberattacks reaching $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. A Security Operation Centre (SOC) is one way to protect […]

E-Book: Five Cloud Security Challenges Your Business Can Face Head-On

The constant evolution of cyberthreats, and the race for more sophisticated tools to combat them, has resulted in a rapidly changing security landscape. Now more than ever, it’s critical to understand your vulnerabilities and assemble the right solutions to strengthen and secure your environments. And the best way to do […]

The Future of Working From Home

Work-from-home (WFH) has become a business critical aspect for today’s enterprise organizations. This IDC Info Snapshot provides in-depth insight on the direction U.S. enterprises are headed for the post-pandemic future and beyond. Download the research to understand how to prepare for the remote and WFH paradigm shift. [email-download download_id=”8154″ contact_form_id=”2182″]

Observations on 5G Adoption Across the 5G Maturity Continuum

The availability of 5G services across the U.S. is now a reality. However, the adoption by organizations varies depending on their perceptions of the transformative capabilities this new technology provides. Which organizations are shaping up to be leader in 5G adoption? Who is ready to adopt this new technology and […]

Gartner: 2021 CIO Agenda: High Tech Industry Perspective

CIOs play a critical role in leading businesses through the turbulence of COVID-19. As the world heads into 2021, it is clear that CIOs will also play an important part pioneering the digital transformation needed for economic recovery and establishing a new normal.  Read the Gartner Report “2021 CIO Agenda: […]

Build or Buy Your CDP?

Discover an approach that isn’t an all-or-nothing choice When it comes to evaluating a Customer Data Platform (CDP), companies oftentimes must ask the most critical question: can we build this ourselves in house? The answer is not a simple yes or no, rather a discussion around time, cost, and the […]