Observations on 5G Adoption Across the 5G Maturity Continuum

The availability of 5G services across the U.S. is now a reality. However, the adoption by organizations varies depending on their perceptions of the transformative capabilities this new technology provides. Which organizations are shaping up to be leader in 5G adoption? Who is ready to adopt this new technology and […]

The Future of Working From Home

Work-from-home (WFH) has become a business critical aspect for today’s enterprise organizations. This IDC Info Snapshot provides in-depth insight on the direction U.S. enterprises are headed for the post- pandemic future and beyond. Download the research to understand how to prepare for the remote and WFH paradigm shift. [email-download download_id=”10572″ […]

Overcoming the Challenges of Mobilizing Workforces

In this Analyst Brief, IDC explores the key challenges that enterprises face as they continue to build on workplace mobilization as a transformative strategy. The challenges center on three primary areas: people, processes, and technology. With companies facing extended work-from-home requirements that look to continue through 2021, effectively addressing these […]

Understanding How Businesses Can Leverage the Fixed Wireless Access Opportunity

In this Analyst Connection, IDC addresses Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) as a technology for delivering wireless broadband as an option for enterprises, particularly for those with distributed locations. With faster speeds and broader availability provided by 5G, along with improved performance, guaranteed SLAs, and short deployment cycles, FWA is generating […]

The Role of Immutable Storage in Ransomware Protection and Recovery

All organizations need to face an unpleasant truth: It is not a question of “If” they will experience a ransomware attack; it is a matter of “When.” While cybersecurity software serves as a first-line defense against ransomware, some attacks unfortunately succeed. In those instances, enterprises may use immutable storage solutions […]

A No-Brainer Cost Model for Moving File Storage to the Cloud

Legacy file infrastructure involves a lot of moving pieces that incur (and sometimes hide) a number of capital and operational costs. Enterprises can reduce or eliminate these costs by shifting to cloud-based file storage. When developing a cost analysis for such a migration, it’s important to account for all costs […]

Windows File Server Migrations to Microsoft Azure Cloud

Migrating an organization’s file data to Azure cloud can potentially address a number of pain points that are commonly associated with storing and managing large quantities of unstructured data. However, enterprise class organizations have traditionally shied away from performing large scale file server migrations to the cloud, citing concerns over […]

Strategies for Building Digital Infrastructure Resiliency: Global Survey Results

Worldwide, organizations that once planned to gradually invest in digital transformation, remote work,and advanced analytics are being forced to make radicalchanges on the fly in the face of unpredictable, rapidly evolvingmarkets. Existing mission-critical workloads are being updated and integrated with emerging cloud-native applications overnight. Supply chains and partnerships are rapidly […]