The Future of Working From Home

Work-from-home (WFH) has become a business critical aspect for today’s enterprise organizations. This IDC Info Snapshot provides in-depth insight on the direction U.S. enterprises are headed for the post-pandemic future and beyond. Download the research to understand how to prepare for the remote and WFH paradigm shift. [email-download download_id=”8154″ contact_form_id=”2182″]

Observations on 5G Adoption Across the 5G Maturity Continuum

The availability of 5G services across the U.S. is now a reality. However, the adoption by organizations varies depending on their perceptions of the transformative capabilities this new technology provides. Which organizations are shaping up to be leader in 5G adoption? Who is ready to adopt this new technology and […]

Gartner: 2021 CIO Agenda: High Tech Industry Perspective

CIOs play a critical role in leading businesses through the turbulence of COVID-19. As the world heads into 2021, it is clear that CIOs will also play an important part pioneering the digital transformation needed for economic recovery and establishing a new normal.  Read the Gartner Report “2021 CIO Agenda: […]

Build or Buy Your CDP?

Discover an approach that isn’t an all-or-nothing choice When it comes to evaluating a Customer Data Platform (CDP), companies oftentimes must ask the most critical question: can we build this ourselves in house? The answer is not a simple yes or no, rather a discussion around time, cost, and the […]

Getting Started with a Customer Data Platform

Getting Started with a Customer Data Platform Create customers for life! Leveraging powerful use cases like these can help you deliver maximum value to see impressive results. Read this eBook to learn: Acquisition, loyalty, and retention strategies that create repeat buyers How to uphold and adjust privacy and consent preferences […]

The Third- Party Risk Management Compliance Handbook

With third-party incidents triggering fines like those levied against Morgan Stanley (OCC, $60M) and Foster- Wheeler (FCPA, $41M), these regulations prove to have real teeth. Prevalent has analyzed 21 regulations and guidelines for requirements related to third-party oversight and compiled the results into a two-part report, The Third-Party Risk Management […]