Why Adopt Open Source AI Platforms for Business Transformation

As per the IDC’s AI StrategiesView 2020 study — a global survey of 2,056 organizations, with IT and line-of-business decision makers and influencers as respondents — AI adoption and spend has grown about 15–20% year over year. Early adopters report about 22% improvement in customer experience and about 20% improvement in employee efficiency and […]

Red Hat introduces Red Hat OpenShift Data Science

Building on its experience in developing and supportng containerized, platormmagnostc sofware, Red Hat has introduced Red Hat OpenShif Data Science, an enterprise AI development cloud service that emphasizes security, portability, and scale without constraining the use of disparate data science technologies. Though later to the commercial machine learning operatonalizaton (MLOps) […]

Moving Legacy Applications to Containers

Many organizations have successful initial public cloud projects, but they are primarily new greenfield application projects carefully chosen as good candidates for running in the public cloud. As a result of these successes, IT organizations are attracted to the elasticity, scalability, and speed of deployment that cloud computing offers. By […]

Managing Your Kubernetes Clusters for Dummies

This ebook provides an introductory overview to Kubernetes clusters, trends in modern cloud computing, the challenges of managing Kubernetes clusters, and best practices for addressing those challenges. An integrated solution such as Red Hat® Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes can help your organization centralize management from end to end while […]

10 Considerations for Kubernetes Deployments

Container development promises unprecedented portability and scalability in the cloud. In addition, DevOps development and cultural practices offer increased business value and responsiveness. You may hear that the operating system doesn’t matter when you’re running containers. However, the truth is that Linux® is foundational to containers. [email-download download_id=”5147″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

Applications are moving from a monolithic to a cloud-native approach — built with multiple components spanning multiple clusters and cloud providers. As application workloads move from development to production, IT often requires multiple fit-for-purpose Kubernetes clusters to support continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) of DevOps pipelines. Cluster sprawl continues with the addition of […]

Top 3 Things to Consider When Selecting a Kubernetes Platform

Containers and Kubernetes have become the de facto standard for building, delivering, and managing modern cloud-native applications. In this infographic, learn the top 3 things to consider when choosing a Kubernetes platform.[email-download download_id=”5132″ contact_form_id=”190″]

Gain a Competitive Edge With Your Container Strategy

The future of business innovation is built with Kubernetes in the cloud. It offers limitless possibilities for transforming how we live and work–from today’s streaming mobile services to tomorrow’s drone deliveries and driverless transport. And while cloud adoption is now status quo in the marketplace (with Kubernetes headed the same […]

6 Considerations for Choosing the Right Kubernetes Platform

With an integrated Kubernetes platform that comes ready to build and manage applications, you can gain efficiencies quickly without having to create a system from scratch. Opt for an innovative, enterprise-ready solution with thousands of successful use cases in production. In this checklist, get 6 considerations for choosing a Kubernetes […]