5 Steps to Strategic Spend Management

Spend Management is the planning, process, and system of managing business dollars to positively affect the production of products and services. Spend management usually includes processes relating to procurement, supply chain management, and outsourcing. Optimal spend management relies on the ability to understand and control company spend through automation tools […]

The Rise of ESG and How to Prepare for the Future

Topics related to ESG have vaulted to the forefront of public awareness: Executive compensation & board composition, social justice initiatives, and environmental policies are more relevant than ever before. It’s also increasingly clear that ESG impacts the bottom line. In the last five years, top ESG- rated companies consistently outperformed […]

Four Ways to Approach Global Market Impacting Events

Nobody could have foreseen the economic shockdown we experienced in 2020. In research, finance, and market intelligence, there has never been such a game-changing year. But some corporations and financial institutions were able to adapt to the new reality, and even find success amidst the crisis. This white paper shows […]

The Post-Pandemic Recovere A Q1 2021 Market Retrospective

The market seems to be on the up-and-up, after an unpredictable 2020. In some parts of the world, vaccinations have been deployed and restrictions are being lifted. But given the trends the pandemic accelerated, what does the future hold for the world’s leading-companies and industries? Outlooks across impacted sectors like […]

why AI-Powered Smart Search Is Necessary for Comprehensive Market Intelligence

Traditional research methods, with maintenance founded on Google Alerts, CTRL +F, and daily email coverage from vendors, no longer serve companies and team’s needs effectively. Industry-leaders are adopting new AI-based innovative solutions and tools designed to help teams conduct market research faster and with more confidence to maintain their edge. […]