TheemergingfieldofMLOpsaimstodeliveragilityandspeedtothe ML lifecycle – similar to what DevOps has done for the software development lifecycle. A recent Forrester study, commissioned by HPE and Intel, highlights how 97% of enterprise organizations investing in MLOpsbelieveitwillgivethemacompetitiveedge. Participantsofthisstudyexpectthatinvestmentswillleadto53% increased profitability;52% better customer experience; and 49% better adoption of data science best practices and increased […]
Accelerating Autonomous Car Development With Ready Access
Global automaker Mercedes-Benz AG deployed HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric, accelerating its development of autonomous driving functions with ready access to global data. 1. Challenge To make intelligent and autonomous driving a reality, global automaker Mercedes Benz AG was faced with the challenge of managing and analyzing enormous amounts of data. […]
Deteccióndeamenazas amedida quesuempresacrece
Noimportaeltamañodesunegocio,IBMQRadarlepermitehacerfrenteasusdesafíosdeciberseguridadmásimportantes.Asegúresedequesuprogramadeoperacionesdeseguridadseadaptealasprioridadesdesunegocio. ¿Qué le pareceríacombinar la automatización y el conocimiento delsectorparaabordarlacomplejidadyescaladelaseguridad?Nodejequeelmundodesconocidodelaseguridadleimpidallevarsunegocioadelanteyestaralfrentedesuscompetidores. QRadarestálistoparacreceramedidaquesunegociocrece. [email-download download_id=”649″ contact_form_id=”192″]
How Effective Retailers Balance Customer Engagement & PCI
For CIOs of retail organizations, compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards is a top concern, as the costs of noncompliance—both from the penalties assessed and potential breaches that can result—are unacceptable. Organizations now face even broader requirements when the PCI Software Security Framework (PCI SSF) replaces the 15-year-old PCI […]
What Today’s Retailers Need in a Security Architecture

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