How to Address Churn With Predictive Analytics

It’s simple: churn (or attrition) is when customers leave, and companies in nearly every industry have to address it because it has the power to plateau the growth of any businesses even if that business is gaining customers quickly. The most successful companies address it by building predictive models that […]

Myth vs. Reality? Debunking the 5 Most Common Assumptions About AI

The way we look at it, artificial intelligence, or AI, is any system that leverages human capacities for learning, perception, and interaction — all at a level of complexity that ultimately supersedes our own abilities. But, as evidenced by that definition, it’s important to understand that the term is broad […]

Data Transformation at Rabobank: Execution & Innovation

According to a 2020 report from PwC1 , 81% of banking CEOs are concerned about the speed of technological change, more than any other industry sector. Instead of backing away due to this fear, Rabobank has been able to dive in and transform their organization to move with the pace […]

Definición de un proyecto de inteligencia artificial exitoso

A medida que la publicidad en torno a la ciencia de datos, el aprendizaje automático y la inteligencia artificial sigue creciendo, cada vez más organizaciones sienten la presión de modernizar su negocio mediante la implementación de soluciones de datos avanzadas o, de lo contrario, se arriesgan a quedarse atrás de […]

Cómo abordar el abandono con análisis predictivo

Es simple: la deserción (o deserción) es cuando los clientes se van, y las empresas de casi todas las industrias tienen que abordarlo porque tiene el poder de estabilizar el crecimiento de cualquier negocio, incluso si ese negocio está ganando clientes rápidamente. Las empresas más exitosas lo abordan mediante la […]

¿Mito versus realidad? Desmentir las 5 suposiciones más comunes sobre la IA

La forma en que lo vemos, inteligencia artificial o IA, es cualquier sistema que aproveche las capacidades humanas para el aprendizaje, la percepción y la interacción, todo a un nivel de complejidad que, en última instancia, reemplaza nuestras propias habilidades. Pero, como lo demuestra esa definición, es importante comprender que […]

Bridging the Gap Between Engineering, Product, and other Business Units

What can you do to address gaps and give your employees the tools and framework to proactively collaborate and openly communicate? This eBook will help showcase why these communication problems occur and offer strategies that your team can use to solve them and get the whole organization to speak the […]

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Stack Overflow For Teams

Stack Overflow is a public platform, ubiquitous to most developers, where developers can find answers to coding questions quickly — or ask a new question. Stack Overflow for Teams concentrates the use of Stack Overflow for the development team within a single company. Developers with questions, often involving unique internal […]

How to Deploy a Comprehensive DevSecOps Solution

Securing DevOps is a complex undertaking; DevOps tools grow and change at a fast pace. Containers and Kubernetes add more complexity and open up new attack vectors and security risks. Development and operations teams must make security an integral part of the entire application life cycle to safeguard critical IT […]

Building a Cloud-Native, Hybrid- Multicloud Infrastructure

Today’s world is based on the hybrid cloud. Business interactions occur on-premises, through digital interaction, and through APIs. Today’s cloud-native applications are hybrid too, with some workloads running in private clouds and others running in one or another public cloud. Hybrid cloud adoption is at 58 percent, and the majority […]